洗礼者聖ヨハネのスカラブリニ祝日の感謝祭ミサ Thanksgiving Mass for the Feast of St. John Baptist Scalabrini




日時: 2023年6月1日(木) 19:00
司式司祭: エドゥイン・コロス 神父


Thanksgiving Mass for the Feast of St. John Baptist Scalabrini

We will hold a thanksgiving mass in commemoration of the Feast of St. John Baptist Scalabrini.
St. John Baptist Scalabrini is the founder of Scalabrinian Missionary, to which our assistant priest, Fr. Edwin D. Corros, CS belongs.

“Thanksgiving Mass for the Feast of St. John Baptist Scalabrini”

Date and Time: Thursday, 1st June 2023, at 7:00 p.m.
Mass Celebrant: Fr. Edwin D. Corros, CS

The mass will be held in English.
The mass will conclude with the Benediction and Veneration of the Relic of St. Jphn Baptist Scalabrini.

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