目黒教会 主任司祭
宮下 良平 神父
① 目黒教会に所属している信徒で、「灰の水曜日」のミサに参加を希望される方は、主日のミサと同じようにHPかLINEから申し込んでください。
② 目黒教会に所属している信徒で、頭に灰をかけられることを希望される方は、決められた時間内に小聖堂まで来てください。 そして、一人ひとりが司祭の手から頭に灰をかけてもらってください。
07:30 「灰の水曜日」ミサ … 日本語(朗読は日本語と英語) 主聖堂にて ※要申込
11:00~11:30 司祭から灰を頭にかけられる … 小聖堂にて
15:00~15:30 司祭から灰を頭にかけられる … 小聖堂にて
18:00 「灰の水曜日」ミサ … 英語(朗読は英語と日本語) 主聖堂にて ※要申込
19:00~19:30 司祭から灰を頭にかけられる … 小聖堂にて
Regarding the Mass and Other Schedule on Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021
January 17, 2021
Meguro Catholic Church Chief Priest
Fr. Ryohei Miyashita
As the new coronavirus infection is still spreading, the lent of this year starts from the Ash Wednesday (jejunium/abstinentia) on February 17. The schedule of that day will be as follows.
In the tradition of the Catholic Church, Catholics have ashes sprinkled on the head by the priest on “Ash Wednesday” at the beginning of Lent, and that’s how we start the Lent of repentance.
① For those who are the parishioners of Meguro Church and wish to attend the Ash Wednesday Mass, please apply in the same manner as the usual Holy Sunday masses from this homepage or LINE app.
② For those who are the parishioners of Meguro Church and wish to have ashes sprinkled on the head, please come to the small chapel during the designated time. The priest will sprinkle ashes on the head of each person. Please pray for a while at the main chapel after you receive ashes.
Please fill in your name and phone number and sanitize your hands when entering the small chapel.
Schedule of Ash Wednesday
07:30 Ash Wednesday Mass … in Japanese (Readings are both in Japanese and English) at Main Chapel ※Application Required
11:00~11:30 Priest sprinkles ashes on the head at Small Chapel
15:00~15:30 Priest sprinkles ashes on the head at Small Chapel
18:00 Ash Wednesday Mass … in English (Readings are both in English and Japanese) at Main Chapel ※Application Required
19:00~19:30 Priest sprinkles ashes on the head at Small Chapel