主任司祭 宮下 良平 神父
- ミサを行う聖堂内での社会的距離(最低1.5m-2m以上)の確保
… 限られた人数(当聖堂では最大48人)でのミサ参加しかできない
… 教会の庭などでの大人数の集まりやミサに参加するために大人数が待機するといったことは、この「3密」警戒の自粛要請下の社会状況ではできない - 感染リスクが高いとされる、基礎疾患のある方及び高齢の方は自宅での霊的ミサ参加
… 指定された年齢以下で、基礎疾患のない方しかミサに参加できない
5月16日(土) 「家庭を祝福する祈りの集い」
6月07日(日) 「有志主催によるバザー」
6月14日(日) 「初聖体」・「司牧評議会」
7月26日(日) 「ビアパーティ」
「3密」を避けるという状況においては、洗礼志願者や初聖体志願者が同じミサで一緒に行えるかも未定です。 感染拡大状況が緩和され、ミサも感染拡大前の状態で行われるようになるまでは、洗礼も初聖体も延期せざるを得ませんので、皆様もご理解ください。
- 一日も早い、新型コロナウイルス感染の終息を祈りましょう。
- 感染によって亡くなった全世界の人々のために祈りましょう。
- 感染して苦しんでいる人々が一日も早く回復されるように祈りましょう。
- 感染症治療や対策のために働いている方々のために感謝の祈りをいたしましょう。
- 感染防止のために家にいる私たちの生活を維持してくれるために働いておられる方々に感謝の祈りをいたしましょう。
- 一日も早く社会生活と経済活動が取り戻されますように祈りましょう。
- 今、思い起こすこの人のために祈りましょう。
May 12, 2020
Meguro Catholic Chief Priest
Fr. Ryohei Miyashita
The above verse is from the Second Reading on May 10, Fifth Sunday of Easter Season. As a parish priest and pastor, and having encountered the phrase “the living Stone” in the Scripture, I have encouraged you that each parishioner may become “a living stone” chosen by God. I have worked together with many of you whom I have come to know in all the churches I have been, for us to be built in “the spiritual house” which is the community of faith.
As we strive in this historical global pandemic, each and every one is called to be a “living stone” to be built into the “spiritual house” which is the renewed community of the post-COVID-19 Global Catholic Church. Let us pray at home, and for some of you in Meguro Church when you visit here individually from time to time.
After the extended state of emergency through this month (May), I am assuming that the reopening of public mass would be in June or later.
If the social activities reopen upon the lift of the state of emergency and the schools restarting, we could expect that public mass at church would also restart. However, even so, it would be impossible to return immediately to what we used to have before COVID-19. We cannot allow all parishioners to freely gather and come to mass. We must restart mass under certain conditions such as limiting the capacity.
Archbishop Kikuchi is currently drafting the conditions for participation of parishioners which should be observed for a considerable length of period after the reopening of the church to prevent cluster spreading of the virus:
- Keeping Social Distancing of more than 1.5 – 2m (6 feet)
— Limiting the capacity the chapel (max 48 in Meguro Church)
— Prohibiting large gatherings in the church yard or near the chapel entrance before mass. No large gatherings should be allowed to avoid the Three C’s. - Parishioners with underlying diseases and elderly who are at high risk should observe mass at home spiritually.
— Restricting mass to people under the designated age, and people without any underlying disease, thus limiting the number of attendance.
There are more plans that are being discussed at Meguro Church to match the conditions for the precautions. Your patience and cooperation will be much appreciated.
With regard to church events and activities in June forward, those stated below will be suspended through August since the status of COVID-19 is unpredictable as of now.
Sat, May 16 — Blessing of Families Prayer Meeting
Sun, June 7 — Bazaar sponsored by volunteers
Sun, June 14 — First Communion / Pastoral Council
Sun, July 26 — Beer Party
As for baptism and first communion, it is impossible to foresee when we can resume them.
Under the situation of avoiding 3C’s we are uncertain if the candidates would be joined by others to celebrate them as part of public mass. I hope all of you will understand that these celebrations are to be postponed until restrictions are lifted and things will have returned to normal.
Furthermore, study groups, classes, and other activities will neither be reopened unless the situation improves.
I ask you to continue to take measures against COVID-19, and protect yourselves and others from getting infected. Let us all pray to God according to the following list:
- For the earliest possible unspreading of COVID-19
- For all the souls around the world lost from infection
- For the earliest possible recovery of those who are suffering from infection
- For those who are working hard to counter COVID-19 and those in the medical and health services, we give our thanks
- For essential workers who are sustaining our daily lives, we give our thanks
- For the earliest possible return of the normal social and economical activity
- For anyone who comes into your mind at this moment