主任司祭 宮下 良平 神父
新型コロナウイルス感染予防のために、緊急事態宣言が出され、まだ継続されそうな状況です。目黒教会所属の信徒の皆様も 不要不急の外出は避けて自宅で日々を過ごされておられることと思います。
ところで、私は目黒教会に居住している私以外の神父様方と一緒に、毎朝、御ミサをお捧げしております。この御ミサは司祭だけでお捧げしておりますが、毎朝お捧げしているミサの大きな意向は、一日も早い新型コロナウイルス感染の終息と、全世界で何十万人の新型コロナウイルス感染で亡くなられた方々の永遠の安らぎ、今病床で苦しんでいる方々の回復、そして感染リスクの高い中で懸命に人々のいのちを守るために従事されている医療関係者、私たちの生活を守るために働いている方々のために祈りをお捧げしています。 また、毎日お捧げするミサの中で、私たち司祭は、目黒教会所属の信徒から祈りを依頼された具体的な個人のことも祈っております。皆様は、教会のミサには来られない状況ですが、もし司祭に祈ってもらいたい方は、以下の要領で司祭用アドレスにメールしてください。ミサをお捧げしている司祭全員でその方のために祈ります。(なお、目黒教会所属以外の信徒の方は、所属されている教会の司祭にお願いしてください。)
- お名前
- 祈りを依頼する方の「霊名」と「名前」、そして関係
- 祈りを希望される日付
宮下神父の目黒教会司祭専用アドレス: mgshisai@catholicmeguro.org
On Extending the Suspension of Public Masses
May 1, 2020
Meguro Catholic Chief Priest
Fr. Ryohei Miyashita
It is now May of the Easter Season. The State of Emergency to counter the coronavirus disease will probably be extended. I presume that parishioners of Meguro Church are staying home and avoiding going out unless absolutely necessary.
Under the circumstances, we may need to think that it would be difficult to hold public masses through the month of May. Moreover, even if we see the reopening of public masses, we should avoid the three Cs (Closed, Crowded, Close-contact). Therefore, Rev. Archbishop Kikuchi is thinking and planning on the step-by-step reopening of church masses with restrictions, so I have heard, until we are able to come to public masses in the way we did before.
I ask all of you to pray in a unified voice from the heart together with Catholics around the world who cannot come to Sunday mass. Please pray to, and trust in Jesus who stands among us and says, “Peace be with you!” and continues to encourage us today.
By the way, I and other priests who are residents at Meguro Church have been saying mass every morning. These daily morning masses are participated only by priests, and our significant intentions are to pray for the earliest possible end of the COVID-19 pandemic, for the eternal rest of the several hundred thousand souls in the world that were taken by COVID-19, for the recovery of those who are now hospitalized and suffering, and for those in the medical and health service who are working hard to save lives despite the high risk of getting infected themselves, as well as those in the essential infrastructure operations working to help keep our daily lives.
In addition, we priests pray according to the specific requests from individual parishioners at Meguro Church. You are presently unable to come to church for mass, but if you have a prayer request to us priests, please fill in the form and email to the address as stated below. All priests here will join me in the prayers for the designated person. (For those who are parishioners of other churches, we kindly ask you to submit your request to your affiliation.)
- Name of the parishioner requesting the prayer
- Catholic Name and other names of the person who needs the prayer, and your relation to the person
- Date on which you wish the priests to pray
COVID-19 is still, and will be for sometime, among us. Sadly, we have heard that some Catholics have been infected with the virus. If unfortunately you are infected, I ask you to inform me by email to the above address, or by phone call.
This disease by COVID-19 is not anyone’s problem but ours. In line with the basic principles of the Archdiocese of Tokyo: “Don’t get infected. Don’t infect others,” Meguro Church will take careful steps in preparing for the reopening of public masses, although unscheduled as yet. We would like to ask all you faithful also to take the utmost measures for prevention and care.