目黒教会 主任司祭
宮下 良平 神父
たいへん残念なことですが、今年の12/24(木)「クリスマス・イヴ」の目黒教会では、東京大教区 菊地大司教様の指示もあり、新型コロナウイルス感染予防のために、例年になく48人という人数制限のもと、短い入替時間を取って7回の「主の降誕 夜半のミサ」を行います。

12/08(火)「無原罪の聖マリア」、12/15(火)~12/23(水)「シンバンガビのミサ」、12/24(木)「主の降誕 夜半のミサ」、12/25(金)「主の降誕 日中のミサ」、そして12/31(木・大晦日)「この一年に感謝するミサ」、01/01(金・元日)「神の母 聖マリア」の祭日ミサの予定をお知らせします。
- 目黒教会所属信徒以外の方はミサに与れません。
- 目黒教会所属の信徒でミサに参加を希望される方は、主日のミサ同様に当ホームページまたはLINEから申し込んでください。
なお、所属信徒で条件付き公開ミサに初めて参加を希望される方は参加申込方法をよく読んでおいてください。パスワードを入れて信徒専用ページに進みますとミサ希望IDの取得やミサ参加申込が可能となります。ID取得には時間を要しますので余裕をもってお手続きお願い致します。 - 申込期間はそれぞれ分かれていますのでよく確認してから申し込んでください。
- 申込結果につきましては1週間前から2日前までの間に各自のメールアドレスに届きます。定員に限りがありますので希望のミサに与れない場合もございますので必ず届いたメールの内容をご確認ください。

On December 24, Only the Mass Participants can Enter the Chapel after 16:00 at Meguro Church
November 11, 2020
Meguro Catholic Church Chief Priest
Fr. Ryohei Miyashita
Unfortunately, the Christmas Eve on Thursday, December 24th this year, as instructed by Archbishop Kikuchi of the Tokyo Archdiocese, will be held under conditions as follows in order to prevent infection of the new coronavirus: there will be seven masses, with the limit of 48 participants for each mass and short period of time for participants to go in and out in between.
Therefore, only the mass participants can enter the chapel after 16:00 on that evening. You may not be able to offer a prayer for the nativity of the Lord at our chapel, but please pray at home for the end of the new coronavirus infection.
Regarding the Schedule of Special Masses from 12/08 to 01/01
Here is the schedule of masses for the following: Feast of the Immaculate Conception on Tuesday, December 8, Simbang Gabi masses between Tuesday, December 15 and Wednesday, December 23, Mass of Christmas Eve on Thursday, December 24, Day Mass of Christmas on Friday, December 25, and Year-End Mass to Thank the Passing Year on Thursday, December 31, and The Mass on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God on Friday, January 1.
The masses at our church will be held under the conditions of Stage 3 determined by Tokyo Archdiocese. Please be informed of the following:
- Only parishioners of the Meguro Church can participate in the mass.
- If you are a parishioner of the Meguro Church and wish to participate in the Mass, please apply from this website or our LINE account in the same manner as the Sunday masses.
If you haven’t applied for the conditional public mass before, please read the instructions of mass application carefully in advance. Please access the parishioners-only page with the password, then you will be able to obtain a “Mass Application ID” and apply for mass. It may take some time to obtain an ID, so please allow enough time for the procedure. - The application period for each mass is different, so please check carefully before applying.
- The application results will be sent to your email address from 1 week to 2 days before the day of the mass. As the capacity is limited, we may not be able to give you the slot of your first choice mass, so please be sure to check the contents of the email you received.
* There are many people who enters incorrect email addresses when applying and do not receive the results. If you enter the correct email address, you will receive a copy of the email automatically from Google, so be sure to check this email as soon as you submit the application form.
The Schedule of Special Masses from 12/08 to 01/01