「おはよう」(原文は[喜べ]の意味もある)… 「恐れることはない。行って、わたしの兄弟たちにガリラヤへ行くように言いなさい。そこでわたしに会うことになる。」(復活徹夜祭での福音マタイ28:9-10)
<4月15日 お知らせ>
- 聖堂は、今のところ、9時から18時まで開いています。
新型コロナウイルス感染予防のために、聖像やイコンなどに素手で触らないようにしてください。 - 新型コロナウイルス感染予防のために、司祭館地下にある納骨堂は、狭く喚起も悪いため、当分の間入室はできません。
- ご復活を迎えての教会報を4/19(日)から聖堂入口に置きますので、教会に来られたときはお持ち帰りください。
主任司祭 宮下 良平 神父
Congratulations on the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
“Rejoice!”… Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell My brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see Me.” Mat28:9-10
Starting on February 27 which was the next day of Ash Wednesday, public mass and other activities involving parishioners of Tokyo Diocese have been suspended for COVID-19 precautions. Sunday mass during Lenten season, the Holy Week, and even Easter Sunday mass have not been held, which is unprecedented in the history of the Catholic Church. We probably should keep in our minds that this situation might continue for a considerable length of time.
However, this year too, the time has come to us to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. This year, our Lord Jesus Christ who is risen, accepts every fear, suffering, and sorrow from everyone in this world at Easter when our hardship is still going on. And our Holy Father Pope Francis, as he himself had done all by himself in a near-empty St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City, asked all churches to celebrate this special day and season. Therefore us priests at Meguro, too, prayed and said mass in the near-empty main chapel.
Lord Jesus who is risen said to us “Rejoice!” In some Japanese Bible versions, the call is translated as “Good morning!” He sees us and greets us because he has risen from the dead as he had promised, after he took up the cup of suffering of the Cross and died without letting it pass from Himself. We who have been called by Lord Jesus, shall look up upon Him even amidst our fear, suffering, and sorrow that may continue to go on for some time. We will keep walking the path of hope toward the day of resurrection which will certainly come.
April 15 Announcements
- The chapel is currently open from 9:00 to 18:00. For COVID-19 precaution, please do not touch the holy figures and icons with your hands.
- The ossuarium is currently closed for COVID-19 precautions, due to limited space and ventilation.
- The Newsletter (Kyokaiho) issued on April 19 to celebrate Easter shall be placed at the entrance of the chapel. Please feel free to take a copy when you come in.
Meguro Catholic Chief Priest
Fr. Ryohei Miyashita




4/9 「聖木曜日 主の晩さんミサ」



4/12 「復活の主日」