



  1. 3月29(日)までの「主日ミサ」と、週日の「朝ミサ」は中止致します。また、祈りの集会等も中止致します。
  2. 今年の4月12日(日)復活祭は、感染状況が好転されない限り、イースターエッグ作り、復活代のパーティーは行わないこととしました。
  3. 4月5日(日)からの聖週間について、例年通りに行うことができるかは、大司教様のご指示により、今後対応することをあらかじめご理解ください。


主任司祭 宮下 良平 神父

・参照 ー カトリック東京大司教区ホームページより「新型コロナウイルス感染症に伴う3月15日以降の対応

≪ For Prevention of New Coronavirus Infection – Notice of Meguro Church Masses and ActivitiesCancellation ≫

To the believers of Catholic Meguro Church

March 10, 2020

Today, on March 10, 2020, I received a notification from Archbishop Kikuchi of the Archdiocese of the Catholic Tokyo – “Precautionary Measures Concerning COVID-19 from 15th March and Beyond.” In responding to this notification, Meguro Church will have to extend the arrangement of not holding masses or any other gatherings, originally intended to be effective until March 14 to March 29.
I really appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Let us pray that those infected with the new coronavirus will recover as soon as possible, and that those who passed away will rest in peace in God. Let us also pray that the spread of infection will be stopped soon.
Please see below for details of arrangement at our church. If there are to be any update or changes, it will be notified on our homepage.

  1. No Sunday Mass, Morning Mass on weekdays and other prayer meetings until Sunday, March 29.
    Please note that preparatory courses for baptism will be held. Applicants are asked to wear masks and meet at the priest’s hall assembly room at the scheduled date and time.
  2. Regarding Easter Sunday, April 12, unless a major improvement in situation can be observed, we will not hold Easter party. Also we will not prepare Easter Eggs.
  3. Please note for Holy Week starting Sunday, April 5. We will make announcement in accordance with notification from Archbishop.

Meguro Catholic Chief Priest
Fr. Ryohei Miyashita

・Please refer to: “Precautionary Measures Concerning COVID-19 from 15th March and Beyond” from the website of Archdiocese of Tokyo.

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