≪新型コロナウイルス感染予防のために、 聖週間の典礼と復活主日ミサ中止、諸活動中止のお知らせ≫




 本日、2020年3月23日付けで、カトリック東京大司教区の菊地大司教様から「 新型コロナウイルス感染症に伴う3月30日以降の対応 」の通達を受けました。

  1. 4月5日(日)からの聖週間典礼とミサ、12日(日)の復活主日のミサも中止です。 その後の日曜日のミサも指示があるまで、当面中止です。週日の「朝ミサ」も中止です。  また、集会や勉強会も原則中止です。
  2. 3月29日(日)と4月5日(日)の午前10時から午後3時まで、主聖堂の祭壇上に御聖体が顕示されますので、御聖体の前でお祈りください。なお、5日に来られる方は、「祝福した枝」をお持ち帰りください。


主任司祭 宮下 良平 神父

1.カトリック東京大司教区ホームページより 「聖週間を迎えるにあたって(文書)」/ ( 動画
2. カトリック東京大司教区ホームページより 「 新型コロナウイルス感染症に伴う3月30日以降の対応

≪To Prevent New Coronavirus Infection, Holy Week Liturgy and Resurrection Day Mass Cancelled and Various Activities Discontinued≫

To the believers of Catholic Meguro Church

March 23, 2020

Today, on March 23, 2020, I received a correspondence from Archbishop Kikuchi of the Catholic Archdiocese of Tokyo. In general, the Archbishop’s instruction is to cancel public Mass, which will be attended by an unspecified number of people for the time being after March 30, and will continue to cancel Mass and various activities at Meguro Church after March 30. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
It has been emphasized that the main reason for the decision to refrain from public mass by Archbishop Kikuchi is not to prevent him from becoming infected, but to avoid the possibility of becoming a source of infection without being conscious and endangering others. Please share the archbishop’s true intentions and accept self-restraint.
Please check the specifics below.
It may be changed depending on the situation in the future, but if it changes, we will inform you on the church’s website.

  1. Holy Week Liturgy and Mass from Sunday, April 5, and Mass on the Easter on Sunday 12th is cancelled. The following Sunday Mass will also be cancelled for the time being until instructed. “Morning Mass” on the week is also cancelled. In principle, meetings and study sessions are also cancelled.
    * Easter vigil will be held privately, only the person and the person concerned to be baptized. Only the priests will celebrate the liturgy of Holy Week with some servants such as server requested by the chief priest will participate in the liturgy.
  2. On Sunday, March 29 and on Sunday, April 5, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. there will be an exposition of the blessed Sacrament. Please pray in front of the blessed Sacrament at the altar, please observe social distancing.
    If you come to Church on the 5th, please take the blessed palms branch home.

Meguro Catholic Chief Priest
Fr. Ryohei Miyashita

・Please refer to the following messages from the website of Archdiocese of Tokyo:
Archbishop’s Message about Holy Week and Easter

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