


主任司祭 宮下 良平 神父

さて、3月27日付けで菊地大司教様から「2020年 受難の主日・聖なる三日間の典礼・復活の主日について」の通達が、各教会の司祭宛に届きました。

< 信徒の皆様は自宅にて、司祭たちと一緒にお祈りください >

  1. 4月5日(日) 7:30 「受難の主日(枝の主日)」 … 枝の祝福
    ※ 当日は、10時から15時まで聖体顕示をします。 教会に祈りに来られる方は、祝福された枝をお持ち帰りください。
  2. 4月9日(木) 19:00 聖木曜日「主の晩餐の夕べのミサ」
    4月10日(金) 19:00 聖金曜日「主の受難」の典礼
    4月11日(土) 19:00 聖土曜日「復活徹夜祭」
  3. 4月12日(日) 7:30 「復活の主日」ミサ
    ※ 入信の秘跡(洗礼・堅信・聖体)が授けられます。


Please Pray with the Members of the Meguro Church≫

March 28, 2020

To the believers of Catholic Meguro Church

Meguro Catholic Chief Priest
Fr. Ryohei Miyashita

Currently, the Catholic Church in the Tokyo Archdiocese has cancelled public masses for the participation of believers to prevent new coronavirus infection.
On March 27, Archbishop Kikuchi sent a notice “Regarding the Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday), the Holy Three Days of Liturgy and Resurrection in 2020” to the priests of each church.
In the notice, the Vatican’s Ministry of Liturgical Secrets promulgated a decree called “The Time of The New Coronavirus Infection” to churches around the world, giving guidance on the Mass of Easter Sunday and the liturgy during the Holy Week this year.
Based on the ordinance, the Archbishop gave specific instructions to the priest to preside over the Mass of Easter Sunday and the liturgy during this year’s Holy Week, which will be closed to the public.
The Archbishop earnestly desires that believers join in prayers at home for this year’s Holy Week’s Liturgy and the Mass of Easter Sunday, a private liturgy and Mass by priests who only perform in situations where believers cannot participate.
We will inform you of the following dates and times, so please pray for liturgy and masses at home. Also, pray for the six people who will be baptized at Meguro Church on this Easter. According to the decree from the Vatican promulgated, “Baptism and Confirmation” scheduled to be held at the Easter Vigil shall not be performed, and it is instructed to do so on the Mass of Easter Sunday which will be held privately.

Please pray with the priests at home.

  1. At 7:30, Sunday, April 5: the Passion Sunday(Palm Sunday) … Blessings of branches
    * The benediction of the crucifixion on the cross which is put near the altar will be held before the Mass in accordance with the “General Rule of the Roman Mass Liturgy.”
    * On this day, the Eucharist will be revealed from 10 to 15 o’clock. If you come to pray at the church, take the blessed branch home.
  2. At 19:00, Thursday, April 9: Holy Thursday; “The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper”
    At 19:00, Friday, April 10: Holy Friday; “Liturgy of The Passion of the Lord”
    At 19:00, Saturday, April 11: Holy Saturday; “the Easter Vigil”
  3. At 7:30, Sunday, April 12: the Mass of Easter Sunday
    * The sacrament of the initiation (baptism, confimation, eucharisty) will be given.

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