主任司祭 宮下 良平 神父
教会委員長 郡司 誠
主任司祭 宮下 良平 神父
教会委員長 郡司 誠
- 掃除ボランティアの募集対象は、74才以下の方でお願いします。
- ご自分のできる週に、掃除ボランティアをしてください。
- 第1週目と第3週目は英語ミサの方々が主に掃除してくれるようですが、その週でもかまいません。
- 掃除ボランティアをされる方は、9:30までに聖堂にお越しください。
(うれしいことに、掃除ボランティアをしてくださる方が多くなるようなら、事前に人数を調整することにします) - 聖堂に来られたときには、万が一のために、名前と電話番号は記入していただきます。
- 掃除する方は、マスクはして来られると思いますが、用意してあるゴム手袋もはめて掃除していただきます。
- 掃除の内容は、掃除機がけ、人が触るようなところの消毒拭き掃除、外の掃き掃除などです。
Cancellation of Cleaning up the Chapel on Saturday
August 2, 2020
Chief Priest: Fr. Ryohei Miyashita
Chairman of Church Committee: Makoto Gunji
We have posted the following notice to ask for volunteers to clean up the chapel, but as the new coronavirus is rapidly spreading throughout Japan, and the number of people infected are reported to be more than 300 people everyday, we have decided not to gather people on Saturday for cleaning up. Instead, we will have time to clean up the chapel after 14:00 mass on Sunday with less than 5 volunteers. Those who don’t participate in the 14:00 mass are also welcome to join, but please note that we may have to dismiss some of you when there are more than 5 people.
July 28, 2020
Chief Priest: Fr. Ryohei Miyashita
Chairman of Church Committee: Makoto Gunji
The new coronavirus infection is unlikely to subside and expected to continue for a while.
We’re sure that everyone is spending your days taking measures to prevent corona infection.
At Meguro Church, we are holding the mass every week with the conditions of “Stage 3,” dedicating to the Holy day of the Lord, thanks to everyone’s cooperation with infection control measures and deep faith.
A maximum of 48 people can participate in one mass, but about 150 to 170 people apply in advance and participate in Japanese, English, and Tagalog masses on every Saturdays and Sundays.
As you know, we have been setting up the time to clean up the chapel on every Saturday by each region group to take turns. However, since February when the new coronavirus infection started to spread, we were unable to gather for cleaning up.
Some of the parishioners who came to the English mass on this Sunday offered to volunteer and clean up the chapel under the instruction by the priest. We appreciate them for their kind proposal.
As the new coronavirus infection is likely to continue for a while longer, it will be difficult to ask parishioners to take turns by region group to gather and clean up on a regular basis.
Therefore, we would like to ask 5 to 10 volunteers to come to the church on every Saturday from 9:30 to 10:30 and clean up the chapel.
- Volunteers should be under the age of 74.
- It’s not necessary that volunteers to come on every week. Please come whenever it’s convenient.
- The English mass group will be volunteering on the 1st and 3rd week, but anyone is invited to join on any weeks.
- Please come to the main chapel by 9:30.
- If there are more volunteers than expected, we may adjust the number of people in advance.
- We will ask you to fill in your name and phone number when you come to cleaning.
- We assume that volunteers would come wearing masks. We also ask you to wear rubber gloves which will be prepared at the chapel.
- The cleaning works would include vacuuming, disinfecting and cleaning where people touch, and sweeping outside.