




  1. 目黒教会の所属でない信徒の方は、先ず自分の所属する教会の主任司祭に話してください。
  2. 挙式についてのご相談は、ご希望の時期より3ヶ月以上前に当教会主任司祭にしてください。
  3. 挙式は土曜日のみ可能です。(午前11時、午後1時、午後3時の3回の中から都合のよい時間を選んでいただきます。)
  4. 挙式料として献金をしていただきます。
  5. カトリック教会で行う結婚式について、信徒・未信徒に関わらず立ち会う全ての人に守って頂きたい決まり事があります。別途お知らせしますので参列予定の皆様に周知してください。



  1. 初婚であること。
  2. 挙式の日が3ヶ月以上先であること。
  3. 挙式は土曜日のみ可能です。(午前11時、午後1時、午後3時の3回の中から都合のよい時間を選んでいただきます。)
  4. 結婚の準備のために結婚講座を受けていただきます。(1回1時間程度のものを3回)
  5. 挙式料として献金をしていただきます。
  6. カトリック教会で行う結婚式について、信徒・未信徒に関わらず立ち会う全ての人に守って頂きたい決まり事があります。別途お知らせしますので参列予定の皆様に周知してください。

Rules and Regulations for Wedding at Catholic Meguro Church

First, upon agreeing to the following conditions, call the church office (03-3491-5461) to arrange a date and time for a meeting with the Parish Priest of this church.

For Catholics:

If you are a baptized or confirmed Catholic, you can have your wedding ceremony in our Church. However, please note the following.

  1. If you are a lay person who does not belong to Meguro Church, please speak to the Parish Priest of your church first.
  2. Consult with our Parish Priest at least three months prior to the desired date of the wedding.
  3. Weddings are only possible on Saturdays. (You may choose from three convenient times: 11am, 1pm and 3pm.
  4. You are required to attend a marriage course (four sessions of about one hour each) to prepare for the wedding.
  5. You will be asked to make a donation for the ceremony fee.
  6. There are certain things that must be observed for the wedding held in a Catholic church. Please make sure to inform all attendants, regardless of whether they are Catholics or not, to observe the instructions we provide.

If you are not a lay Catholic:

If you are not a lay Catholic, you will be interviewed by our Parish Priest after fulfilling the following conditions. This will determine whether or not the church accepts the wedding.

  1. Both the groom and the bride must be first-married.
  2. Consult with our Parish Priest at least three months prior to the desired date of the wedding.
  3. Weddings are only possible on Saturdays. (You may choose from three convenient times: 11am, 1pm and 3pm.
  4. You are required to attend a marriage course (four sessions of about one hour each) to prepare for the wedding.
  5. You will be asked to make a donation for the ceremony fee.
  6. There are certain things that must be observed for the wedding held in a Catholic church. Please make sure to inform all attendants, regardless of whether they are Catholics or not, to observe the instructions we provide.
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