- 先ず、カトリック教会聖堂は、いわゆる「結婚式場」ではなく、カトリック信者が日曜日や毎日のミサに与り、祈りを捧げる厳粛な場であることをご認識ください。
また、日本以外の国のカトリック教会においては、両者ともカトリックの洗礼を受けていることが前提となり、「婚姻の秘跡」となる結婚式ミサが行われます。日本においては、一方がカトリック信者で所属教会の主任司祭が作成する「所属教会主任司祭許可書」を当教会の主任司祭へ提出することによって当教会で挙式を行う手続きと準備が始められます。 - 両者ともにカトリック信者でない場合、両者がカトリック教会とカトリック教会の結婚観を理解しており、カトリック教会の定めた形式による結婚式であることを条件に主任司祭の裁量でカトリック信者以外の結婚式を執り行うことが可能です。(カトリック信者以外の結婚式を執り行うことは教皇庁が日本のカトリック教会に与えた特別許可事項となります。)
- 宗教施設であるカトリック教会は、結婚式場が行っているサービスや配慮ができないことをご了解ください。また、カトリック教会の聖堂として守っていただかなくてはいけないことがありますので、それらを了承し、挙式参列者にも守っていただくよう周知をお願いいたします。
- 挙式希望者には「結婚講座」を受けていただきます。
A. 挙式までに4回から5回の受講となります。
B. 結婚講座は、原則として挙式をする司式司祭が担当します。場合によっては、全講座の内1回を目黒教会の信徒が担当します。
C. 各講座の所要時間は、1時間程度が目安となります。
D. 講座内で挙式のリハーサルも行う予定です。 - 挙式献金について
・献金はお振り込みにてお支払いください。 - 挙式の飾りつけについて
・依頼する花屋さんには事前に目黒教会主任司祭に連絡を入れ、搬入時刻、設置場所等の指示を直接受けること、及び運び入れた花や備品は全て片付け教会に残さないことを遵守してもらう - 式次第について
・式次第の印刷は新郎新婦で印刷してください。印刷が難しい場合は教会にて参列人数分を印刷しますのでお申し出ください。 - その他の注意事項
A. 挙式撮影されるカメラマンは、挙式前に主任司祭から撮影範囲等の指示を受けてください。
B. フラッシュ撮影及び2階への立ち入りは禁止です。
C. 式中、参列者による写真撮影はご遠慮ください。
D. 式後の記念撮影は、新郎新婦 → 新郎新婦+司祭 → 新郎新婦+参列者の集合写真の順に行い、30分以内に終了してください。
E. 新郎新婦、親族の控え室が利用できます。控え室の一部を女性用の更衣室として利用することも可能です。また、控え室はカギをかけませんので、貴重品の管理はご自分達で行ってください。
F. 教会にはクローク及び参列者の控え室がありません。参列者の方々には事前に伝えておいください。
G. 敷地内(聖堂前)に10台ほどの車が駐車できます。
H. 教会前の「ドレメ通り」は、マイクロバスは通行できますが、大型バスの通行はできません。
I. その他、分からないことがあれば主任司祭に直接確認してください。
For Couples Planning a Wedding Ceremony at Catholic Meguro Church
If you wish to hold your wedding ceremony at the main chapel of Catholic Meguro Church, please take the followings into consideration.
- Firstly, the Catholic Church is not a so-called ‘wedding hall’, but a solemn place where Catholics attend Sunday and daily Mass and offer their prayers.
In Catholic Churches outside Japan, the wedding Mass is held as the Sacrament of Marriage, on the assumption that both the bride and the groom are baptized Catholics. If one of the couple is a Catholic and belongs to other parish in Japan, please ask for the permission from the chief priest in the parish and submit the document to our chief priest. - Please also note that there are certain things that must be observed as a Catholic church chapel, and upon agreeing to these, please inform all wedding attendees that they must also observe these accordingly.
- Catholic dioceses in Japan have the policy that requires a preparation period of three to six months for couples who want to be wedded in the church. To start the preparation, please contact the priest first and let him know which date you prefer to have your wedding and consult with him about what the parish allows and expects in the wedding.
Couples who wish to have a wedding ceremony are required to bring some documents and to attend a “Marriage Course.”
A. Documents you need to prepare:
a) Baptismal certificate from your church
b) Confirmation certificate from your church
c) Civil marriage certificate
d) Application form provided by our church
NOTE: Special permission is required for Catholics to marry in a place other than their parish church.
B. “Marriage Course” must be attended four or five times before the wedding ceremony. The marriage course is, in principle, given by the officiating priest who will perform the ceremony. Each course takes about one hour. In some cases, a parishioner of Meguro Church may give give one lecture.
The course will be held before the ceremony and will include a rehearsal of the ceremony. - Wedding Offering
Please offer a donation upon the usage of the church facilities for wedding. The wedding offering must be made by bank transfer as indicated on the paper provided by church. - Decorations for the Wedding Ceremony
You may choose a florist for fresh flowers for the ceremony.
However, the following should be observed:
A. Flowers and related items must be decorated and cleared up by the florist or by yourselves.
B. Do not leave all flowers and any related items after the ceremony.
C. Flowers may be displayed on benches, but taping benches to benches with ribbons is not permitted.
D. So-called rice showers, flower showers and confetti are prohibited.
E. Decorations other than flowers, such as photographs and signboards, are prohibited in the chapel.
F. The florist should contact the chief priest of Meguro Church in advance and receive instructions on when and how flowers can brought in. - Order of Ceremony (Program Sheet)
The program sheet for the ceremony will be prepared by the chief priest after the content has been organized.
The bride and groom will print programs for the number of guests. Please ask the church to print if you are unable to do so. - Other Notes
A. Photographers who will be taking pictures at the ceremony should receive instructions from the chief priest before the ceremony regarding the area where he/she can enter, etc.
B. Flash photography and entry to the upstairs are not permitted.
C. Please ask attendees to refrain from taking pictures during the ceremony.
D. Commemorative photographs after the ceremony will be taken. Please finish in 30 minutes.
E. There is a waiting room for the bride, the groom, and relatives. One of the waiting room can be used as a women’s changing room. The waiting rooms cannot be locked, so please take care of your valuables by yourselves.
F. Please inform your guests in advance that the church does not have a cloakroom or waiting room for attendees.
G. Parking lot for about 10 cars is available.
H. The church is in front of Doreme Street, which allows microbuses to pass through, but not large buses.
I. If you have any questions, please ask the chief priest directly.